Have soundtrack files play in own preferred order
Soundtracks are audio files in such a way that they are played while other files are rendered in the foreground. Apimac Slideshow lets you add as many soundtracks as you like via the Add Soundtrack button.
Just take into account that Apimac Slideshow shows files in a serial order, so it matters where you place soundtracks. Place a soundtrack in the first slot if you want to get audio from the beginning of the show. To move an imported file to another slot, just drag its name in the List of Files field to the desired position (option-drag to move a copy of the file), or cut its name and paste it into the appropriate slot.
Get payed music from iTunes into the slideshow
Songs purchased from the iTunes Store are in AAC Protected format, this mean that you can’t get to play them outside of iTunes application or the iPod device. You cannot convert them to other formats, including MP3. You can, however burn them to an audio CD. Then the songs could reimported in iTunes at your desidered format. For more info visit this page at Apple.
I have a photography website and would like to create a small slideshow on its main page. Will this slideshow application create a small slideshow that could then be dragged and dropped into its desired position on the main page?
Yes, the program allow to create movie files optimized for the web, in the “Share” panel of the program, choose “Movie file” to export the slideshow to a movie optimized with your prefered format.