Please try restoring the app to factory defaults. Here is how:

1. Quit Strip HTML if it is running.

2. Go in the Applications folder and delete any previous installed versions of the app (if any):

~/Application/HTML Sripper

~/Application/HTML Sripper Lite

~/Application/Strip HTML

~/Application/Strip HTML Lite

3. Show the Library folder.
    In OS X El Capitan 10.11 or earlier: Pull down the “Go” menu and hold down the alt/option key. Choose “Library” from the drop down list.
    In macOS Sierra 10.12 or later: Pull down the “Go” menu and hold down the Shift key. Choose “Library” from the drop down list.

4. Open the Library > Containers folder and delete these folders if they are present:



5. Open the Library > Preferences folder and delete these files if they are present:



6. Open the Library > Application Support > Apimac folder and delete this folder if it is present:

HTML Sripper

7. Download a fresh copy from our Download Page.

8. Launch Strip HTML in order to recreate from scratch the resources it needs.