Omit Finder Desktop files
This option determines whether or not Finder specific information (such as the .DS_Store files) is preserved when adding files to Zip archives. Typically, if you are sending files to other users you do not need to include this information. If you are compressing files for your own use, we would recommend that you include those files to preserve your custom informations as icon size and position.
Omit Mac-specific content files
This option determines whether or not Mac specific file attributes (such as a resource fork) is preserved when adding files to Zip archives. Typically, if you are sending files to a Windows user you do not need to preserve this information, as it will not be used on a Windows-based computer. If you are sending files to a Mac user or if you are compressing files for your own use, we would recommend that you preserve Mac file information.
Trash original files after compression
This option determines whether or not the original files have to be moved into the Trash after the archive was created.